Monday, February 16, 2009

Thankful for Maureen!

Nothing in this profession should be done in isolation.  In these days of budget cuts and layoffs, I am delighted to have a knowledgeable and helpful Media Specialist at Anwatin.  When students want to do certain things for History Day, I find myself in a bind.  Yes- I took the classes on I-Movie but it was one of those things if I didn't have to actually do anything after the class, the paperwork went into a folder and is collecting dust on my desk!

Not only does Maureen help in the 2-3 hours she actually has free, she puts very helpful links on the Anwatin Home Page for the students to follow.

This year she has helped with the technology piece and resource part by not just encouraging the students to search out of "google" and Wikapedia, but she shows them the great things they can find when they use these different tools.

I wish every school could be so lucky!

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