Monday, February 16, 2009

Not reinventing the wheel

So I discovered this past month that I am about 2 years behind in terms of what I learn and what I implement in my classes for my students.  A few years ago at a History Day workshop, I learned about all the resources the MPS website and the library site had to offer my students in terms of research.  

This year I finally "made" the students go to these sites and try to find things that would help them in their research. I am proud to say that almost all students found helpful things on Proquest and the New York Times sites that assisted them in their projects.  Sometimes all it takes is a gentle push and turning it into an actual assignment instead of an add on.

Next- I tackle google docs and!

1 comment:

Karen said...

It definitely takes time for things to "soak in" -- I just wrote about that in the newsletter I'm sending out ... I might add your post because I think it is important for people to hear that they don't need to do everything RIGHT NOW ... it's a process. Glad to hear that using the resources went well!